Black Circle såhär långt
Svart cirkel/Black Circle wins two industry awards as work in progress at the important Ventana Sur in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
The financial awards are to facilitate financing the film's sound mix, opening credits design and key art!
"The awards, mostly in industry services, went to three Ventana Sur sections, two of which – the genre-focused Blood Window and Animation! – are growth industries in Latin America passionately favoured by many young talents in the region’s newest generation of filmmakers.
Curated by San Sebastian Fest director José Luis Rebordinos, Blood Window Work In Progress winners played broadly according to form, three titles taking the major awards: Emilio Portes’ demonic shock fest “Belzebuth, shot in the U.S. and Mexico and English and Spanish; “Clementine,” from Argentine producer-turned-director Jimena Monteoliva, which casts a story of domestic abuse as a horror narrative; and “Black Circle,” the first Swedish-language movie of Adrian Garcia Bogliano, a founding father of modern Latin American genre."
Happy winners!
From left: producer Mikko Aromaa, director Adrián García Bogliano, producer Joshua Sobel.
Not in the photo, producers: Andrea Qrz, Rickard Gramfors, Bo Gramfors, Andreas Tollman, Pete Tombs, Nicolas Debot, Anders Banke.
9/11 - 2016 rapporterades det att Teasertrailern är på gång!
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